• 由香港聖公會慈光堂主辦的柯佩璋幼稚園幼兒園,均為註冊非牟利學前教育機構,秉承基督『非以役人.乃役於人』的精神為區內適齡兒童提供完善的學前服務。

  • 致力提供優質2-6歲全日及半日制學前教育服務,建立輕鬆、愉快的學習環境,讓學生快快樂樂地投入到校園生活。

  • 與家長建立伙伴關係,家校共同努力培育學生的學習能力,解決問題能力,以及美善的品格。

  • 發展學生的思考能力,分辨是非能力,讓他們有智慧去表達及聰明去學習。

  • SKH Kindly Light Church Or Pui Cheung Kindergarten is sponsored by the SKH Kindly Light Church. It is a registered profit making organization, adhering to the spirit of Christ“For truly the son of a man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give his life for the salvation of men.”It provides comprehensive preschool services for school-age children in the district.

  • Is committed in providing high-quality education for full day and half day preschool service for 2-6 years of age, establishing a relaxed, pleasant learning environment that allows children to happily devote themselves into the campus of a kindergarten.

  • Establish a partnership with the parents, family to school to work together to cultivate students learning, ability to resolve questions and to show a good character.

  • Develop a student's thinking ability, distinguish right from wrong and let them to have the wisdom to express and to be smart to learn.